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You are here: Home / News feed / Coral Triangle Atlas will be at Cairns 2012

Coral Triangle Atlas will be at Cairns 2012

The 12th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS 2012) will begin Monday,  July 9-13, in Cairns, Queensland, Australia. The symposium will bring together international scientists, policy makers, managers, and conservationists to present the latest findings on coral reef science and management. Part of the official scientific programme of the ICRS 2012 is the mini-symposium on the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI).

The 12th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS 2012) will begin Monday,  July 9-13, in Cairns, Queensland, Australia. The symposium will bring together international scientists, policy makers, managers, and conservationists to present the latest findings on coral reef science and management. Part of the official scientific programme of the ICRS 2012 is the mini-symposium on the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI).

The Coral Triangle Atlas will be well represented during  the symposium!  It will be featured both in the oral presentation during the CTI mini-symposium and at CTI booth. Please find the details of the presentation as below:

Title: Marine resources Management data gaps in the Coral Triangle

Date: Monday, 9 July 2012
Time:  3.30 pm
Venue: Sebel Bluewater room

If you are in Cairns next week, you are welcome to the presentation and visit the CTI booth to find out more about CT Atlas and CTI activities in Coral Triangle Region.

To get more information on Coral Triangle Atlas, please visit the website

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