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You are here: Home / About the Project / Institutional Arrangements / Project Steering Committee

Project Steering Committee

A Project Steering Committee (PSC) has been established to guide the overall project process. The Steering Committee is composed of:
  • Two National Institutional Focal Points (NIFP) per country who are nominated by the responsible ministries in each participating country for this GEF Project:
    • One representative of the ministry in charge of environment
    • One representative of the ministry in charge of water resources and preferably the VBA national focal point
  • The Executive Director of VBA or his representative
  • Representatives from the Implementing agency (UNEP/GEF) and the executing agency, (UNOPS) and UCC-Water and Environment
  • Representatives from GCLME, GEF Niger Project, UNESCO/PHI, ECOWAS/WRCU and IUCN, regional or local NGOs and the private sector will be invited as observers at the PSC Meetings when necessary
  • The Regional Project Coordinator is the Secretary to the Steering Committee.

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